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Artist: Fabi Art Studio


Enchanted Balloon Dreams


Dive into the whimsical world of "Pastel Party Magic" by Fabi Art Studio, a captivating diamond painting kit that brings joy and charm into your crafting experience. This enchanting artwork features a beautiful young girl surrounded by a dreamy array of pastel balloons, her expressive eyes and soft curls adding a touch of magic to the scene. Perfect for anyone who loves a blend of fantasy and elegance, this piece will surely become a cherished part of your collection.


Our premium diamond painting kits include everything you need to create a stunning masterpiece. The high-quality poured glue canvas ensures your diamonds stay in place, and the soft back with scalloped and poked edges prevents fraying, giving you a flawless finish. Choose between round or square high-quality resin drills, with the option to add up to 5 charted AB drills for extra shimmer and shine.


"Pastel Party Magic" is ideal for adding a whimsical touch to any space. Display it in your living room for a cheerful focal point, in a bedroom for a touch of dreamy charm, or in an office to inspire creativity and wonder. This diamond painting kit is not just a project; it's an experience of relaxation and artistic fulfillment.


Embrace the joy of creating and the beauty of "Pastel Party Magic" today, and let Fabi Art Studio's delightful artwork transform your space into a haven of magic and tranquility.


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Pastel Party Magic Licensed Premium Diamond Painting Kit

PriceFrom $69.79
    • Resin Drills - available in both square and round
    • Multiple canvas sizes - clear easy-to-see printing
    • Super strong poured glue adhesive - don't lose drills
    • Legally licensed artwork from fresh artists
    • Includes everything needed- premium canvas, drills, pen, tray, container of wax, release paper, baggies, washi tape
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