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Artist: Serendipity Studio ID


Whimsical Winds: Dancing in the Breeze Diamond Painting Kit


Experience the enchanting world of "Dancing in the Breeze" by Serendipity Studio ID, a whimsical and vibrant diamond painting that brings joy and charm to any space. This delightful artwork features a young girl holding a pastel umbrella, her colorful hair flowing gracefully in the wind. Surrounding her are playful birds, blooming flowers, and a quaint little house, all set against a dreamy, teal sky with fluffy white clouds. Each element is meticulously detailed, making this piece a joyful journey to complete.


Kit Features:


  • Premium Poured Glue Canvas: Ensures easy application and long-lasting durability. The canvas has a soft back and scalloped, poked edges to prevent fraying.


  • High-Quality Resin Drills: Available in both round and square shapes, these drills provide brilliant shine and precise placement.


  • Customization Options: Choose from several canvas sizes and up to 5 charted AB drills for extra shimmer and shine. Perfect for all skill levels.


  • Legally Licensed Artwork: Support talented, up-and-coming artists with this officially licensed piece.


The Calming Creation Process:


Engage in a soothing, creative experience as you bring "Dancing in the Breeze" to life. The rhythmic placement of each diamond drill can help reduce stress and provide a sense of accomplishment. Whether you're a seasoned crafter or new to diamond painting, this kit offers a perfect blend of challenge and relaxation.


Perfect Display Settings:


Once completed, "Dancing in the Breeze" adds a touch of whimsy and color to various settings:


  • Living Room: Brighten up your living space with this lively and heartwarming piece.


  • Bedroom: Create a dreamy, serene atmosphere perfect for unwinding.


  • Office: Bring a splash of creativity and joy to your workspace, inspiring daily positivity.


Immerse yourself in the delightful world of "Dancing in the Breeze" and create a masterpiece that will charm everyone who sees it. Customize your kit today and start your artistic adventure!


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Dancing in the Breeze Licensed Premium Diamond Painting Kit

PriceFrom $69.79

Summer Sale

    • Resin Drills - available in both square and round
    • Multiple canvas sizes - clear easy-to-see printing
    • Super strong poured glue adhesive - don't lose drills
    • Legally licensed artwork from fresh artists
    • Includes everything needed- premium canvas, drills, pen, tray, container of wax, release paper, baggies, washi tape
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